Just some stuff which we have collected

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Frigate of Elfenbein

Theme: Art/Sculpture
Country: Germany:
Year: 2016

The frigate was created by Jacob Zeller, German sculpture and ivory carver, in 1620. The artist finished his work in the summer, a few months before his death in December.

Material used: ivory, gold and iron.

The sculpture includes carved names of the princes of Saxony, beginning with Harderich, who supposedly lived shortly after the birth of Christ, up to Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony. There are also tiny sailors, guns, chains, nails, ropes and anchors made of gold. The picture of the artist's wife, Magdalena Sibylla of Brandenburg and the crest of Johann Georg I are parts of the relief carving.

The base resembles the fountain in Rome, sculptured by Gian Lorenzo Bernini - figures of Neptune standing on a ball, Fortuna, the goddess of changing destiny and sea horses.

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