Just some stuff which we have collected

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chambered Nautilus

Theme: nature/ ocean
Country: Philippines
Year: 2010

Chambered nautilus (a mollusk) is the most known kind of nautilus. The name of the nautilus relates to the chambers with gas, which are inside the shell covering the soft body. Nautilus pompilus is the largest of all species of nautiluses. It can move with the speed of over two knots. The shape of its shell makes a perfect golden spiral. The structure of its body is the same as it was several million years ago. That is why the nautilus is called a living fossil.
The mollusk reproduces every year, by laying eggs. Its eyesight is poor due to very primitive eyes. However, its smell is quite well developed and it helps the nautilus to find food (and match as well). The nautilus eats small crustaceans, fish and shrimps. It lives in the deep waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, including the Great Barrier Reef.
Recently, the population of chambered nautilus is declining due to overfishing mainly. That is why exporting nautiluses is illegal in Indonesia.

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