Just some stuff which we have collected

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rhodos, Greece

Country: Greece
From: pen-pal 
A popular tourists' destination.


Hotel La Concha, Puerto Rico

Country: Puerto Rico
From: Anonymous Collector

Hotel, Beach and Cabana Club - San Juan, Puerto Rico
The hotel was built in 1961. The Internet says "La Concha" was closed and sold in 2004. However, it seems it still operates in a changed/new version.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Electra Airliner

Country: USA
From: Anonymous Collector

The jet-powered Electra airliners (were) the newest, the fastest and the most spacious planes. 170 of them were built by Lockheed from December 1957 to 1961.
Card issued by American Airlines