Just some stuff which we have collected

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rhodos, Greece

Country: Greece
From: pen-pal 
A popular tourists' destination.


Hotel La Concha, Puerto Rico

Country: Puerto Rico
From: Anonymous Collector

Hotel, Beach and Cabana Club - San Juan, Puerto Rico
The hotel was built in 1961. The Internet says "La Concha" was closed and sold in 2004. However, it seems it still operates in a changed/new version.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Electra Airliner

Country: USA
From: Anonymous Collector

The jet-powered Electra airliners (were) the newest, the fastest and the most spacious planes. 170 of them were built by Lockheed from December 1957 to 1961.
Card issued by American Airlines


Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Country: Wales/UK
From: pen-pal
The beautiful area of Snowdonia in Wales appears quite frequently in one of the TV series we are currently watching. I used to exchange letters with a lady who lived in that area. However, this card came from another pen-pal who just visited the place.